Winter 2024-25 Mentors
Oversight & control | Interpretability | Evaluations | Governance & strategy | Agency
Adrià Garriga-Alonso
Research Scientist, FAR AI
Track: Interpretability -
Alex Cloud
Independent Researcher
Track: AI agency -
Alex Turner
Research Scientist, Google DeepMind
Track: AI agency -
Arthur Conmy
Research Engineer, Google DeepMind
Track: Interpretability -
Buck Shlegeris
CEO, Redwood Research
Track: Oversight/control -
Daniel Kokotajlo
Executive Director, AI Futures Project
Track: Governance & strategy -
David Krueger
Mila, KASL
Track: Governance & strategy -
David Lindner
Research Scientist, Google DeepMind
Track: Oversight/control -
Eli Lifland
Researcher, AI Futures Project
Track: Governance & strategy -
Erik Jenner
PhD Student, UC Berkeley CHAI
Track: Oversight/control -
Ethan Perez
Research Scientist, Anthropic
Track: Oversight/control -
Evan Hubinger
Research Scientist, Anthropic
Track: Evaluations -
Fabien Roger
Member of Technical Staff, Redwood Research
Track: Oversight/control -
Francis Rhys Ward
PhD Student, Imperial College London
Track: Evaluations -
Hidenori Tanaka
Group Leader, Harvard/NTT Research
Track: Interpretability -
Jan Leike
Alignment Science Co-Lead, Anthropic
Track: Oversight/control -
Janet Egan
Senior Fellow, CNAS
Track: Governance & strategy -
Lee Sharkey
CSO, Apollo Research
Track: Interpretability -
Lisa Thiergart
Research Lead of Technical Governance Team, MIRI
Track: Governance & strategy -
Marius Hobbhahn
CEO, Apollo Research
Track: Evaluations -
Max Kleiman-Weiner
Assistant Professor, University of Washington
Track: AI agency -
Michael Cohen
Research Fellow, UC Berkeley CHAI
Track: AI agency -
Mrinank Sharma
Member of Technical Staff, Anthropic
Track: Oversight/control -
Neel Nanda
Research Engineer, Google DeepMind
Track: Interpretability -
Newton Cheng
Research Scientist, Anthropic
Track: Oversight/control -
Nina Panickssery
Member of Technical Staff, Anthropic
Track: Interpretability -
Oly Sourbut
Technical Staff, UK AISI
Track: Evaluations -
Owain Evans
Director, Truthful AI; Affiliate Researcher, UC Berkeley CHAI
Track: Evaluations -
Samuel Albanie
Staff Research Scientist, Google DeepMind
Track: Oversight/control -
Scott Emmons
Research Scientist, Google DeepMind
Track: Oversight/control -
Sid Black
Research Scientist, UK AISI
Track: Evaluations -
Stephen Casper
PhD student, MIT AAG
Track: Evaluations -
Steven Basart
Research Manager, CAIS
Track: Evaluations -
Timothy Fist
Senior Technology Fellow, IFP; Adjunct Senior Fellow, CNAS
Track: Governance & strategy